OBJECTIVE Create a new premium dog treat brand exclusively for Walmart, designed to pamper your pets.
SOLUTION Created an iconic logo that bullseyes to draw in the consumer. Taking inspiration from conventional jerky, we used premium metallic bags with subtle illustrations of happy dog to portray both premium quality and connect to the excitement your dog will experience when enjoying these tasty treats.
OBJECTIVE Updated current Chex Multi-Pack for Club stores to focus on making party mix.
SOLUTION Updated the name to be Party mix starter kit. Create visual interest by billboarding pieces around the bowl to add excitement and showcase both the individual pieces and the party mix bowl. Create a corridor of information to include what you get inside all while keeping the package as clean and simple as possible.
OBJECTIVE Based off the existing Simply Asia Brand create a sub-line of authentic ingredients. The current consumer is more familiar with just-add-water noodles bowls so we need to make it clear how to prepare.
SOLUTION Add background illustrations to the cue specific region and updated fonts to be more handmade brush lettering. Created additional appetite appeal with food shots and used authentic serving bowls/plates. Easy 3 step icons tell the consumer what to add without needing to turn the box around.
OBJECTIVE Create a private label design system for Walgreens that can stand up against the national brands on over 400 household and grocery products.
SOLUTION A bold, clean design that utilizes white space. The color band on the bottom remains consistant and key information attributes are highlighted in the brackets.
WellBeginnings is Walgreen's premium line for infants & toddlers. These wipes feature one of kind patterns, tailored to the gentle all natural product proposition.